"Their kindness, compassion and caring for other children with Downs and Autism is boundless!!!"
Porcelain Veneers
What Are
Dental Veneers?
Porcelain veneers are thin pieces of porcelain used to recreate the natural look of teeth, while also providing strength and resilience comparable to natural tooth enamel. It is often the material of choice for those looking to make slight position alterations, or to change tooth shape, size, and color.Porcelain laminate veneers consist of a compilation of several thin ceramic layers which replace original tooth enamel, and an adhesive layer. To apply a veneer, a very small amount of the original tooth enamel must be removed, usually less than a millimeter. This is essential as it creates room for the porcelain veneer to fit within the mouth and most accurately restore natural tooth function while creating an even better appearance than the original tooth.
The bond between original tooth and porcelain veneer is critical as it not only provides the esthetic perfection desired, but also a strong bond which is essential for correct veneer function. Light-sensitive resin is placed between the original tooth and the veneer and then hardened using a special curing light.
Porcelain Veneers
One main benefit of veneers that patients enjoy is how the veneers make their teeth look. This procedure is an excellent solution, since the veneers can transform your smile into one that looks perfect and beautiful. The veneer uses your natural teeth, so there is no need for surgery, and the recovery time is reduced.Since the veneers are made to match your other teeth, they will look natural, and no one will be able to tell that you had any cosmetic dentistry work completed. Another benefit is that they are made out of a stain resistant material. This means that your teeth will stay whiter and brighter, even if your favorite beverage is a hot cup of coffee. We can use dental veneers to transform your smile.
When you come to our Santa Barbara dentist office, Dr. Erik Winn will perform a full mouth evaluation to provide you with the best solution. Call Dental Sedation and Implant Center today at (805) 845-1316 to schedule a consultation.
Porcelain veneers are a very successful option in many situations where the original tooth has developed poor color, shape, and contours. It is also a good choice for fractured teeth, gaps between teeth, and in some situations where the tooth position is compromised and there are minor bite-related problems.
Unlike natural teeth, custom-made veneers resist coffee and tea stains, and cigarette smoke because they are made of high-tech materials.
With veneers—as opposed to crowns—your natural teeth remain largely intact with only a minimal amount being altered to fit the veneer.
For teeth that resist whitening, veneers can make even the darkest teeth appear bright white.
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The first step toward achieving a beautiful, healthy smile is to schedule a consultation.
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We are a team of dental professionals who provides the highest level of dental care with state-of-the-art dental technologies to patients in Santa Barbara, Goleta, Montecito, Summerland, and Carpinteria. Contact us today to schedule your appointment.